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Post 14 made on Thursday December 23, 2021 at 23:50
Loyal Member
May 2002
On December 23, 2021 at 14:14, buzz said...
But the anti crowd, equating their freedom with a no vaxx, no social distancing, no mask attitude are trampling the freedom of the pro crowd who must stay sequestered in order to remain safe. Further, the anti crowd is overloading our medical care systems -- causing extra suffering for both anti and pro camps.

This needs more of a deep dive.

1. Why does someone who is vaxxed have to be sequestered?  That is a medical error, maybe malpractice, the vax gives the freedom to come and go as you please.  You can’t get infected nor infect anyone else. If you are being forced, by fear or mandate, to sequester, that is absolutely not right.  That was whole reason for the vaccine.

2. Current data does not indicate an anti crowd makes up the majority of hospitalizations.  Some studies yes, some no.  Check out Israel’s studies - one of the highest vaccination rates, many of them get hospitalized anyway.

On a side note, why are the NBA and NFL having so many issues now?

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