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Post 11 made on Thursday December 23, 2021 at 12:35
Ultimate Member
May 2001
On December 22, 2021 at 11:50, tomciara said...
Just wondering if you were aware of some of the details about this de-wormer.

It is of course actually called Ivermectin and has been around since 1975.

Maybe it is not all bad.

No one is saying Ivermectin is all bad, or even mostly or even in some important detail bad. If it was it would be taken off the market. Now f tyou are a horse with worms then it is all good

On December 22, 2021 at 20:36, tomciara said...
I hear ya.  Strange times indeed.

Some odd occurrences accompanied Covid (captain obvious here).  The issue of “off label”, which is using a drug for something other than the normal prescribed use, is ordinary and commonplace, and never controversial until Covid.  Suddenly an 80 year old drug, accepted the world over, on the World Health Organization’s list of “must have” drugs, and over the counter in several countries, was banned for Covid use. (Hydroxychloroquine)

Lest you think it’s uncommon to go “off label”, someone I know, with debilitating muscle pain gets relief from an antidepressant - sounds odd, but it just happens that doctors learn these things work because they actually treat people and heal people.  So it was early with Covid, where hydroxychloroquine, which is used around the world as a safe, anti-malarial treatment, seemed to get people well quickly and with few hospitalizations at all.  But then it got mysteriously pulled and unavailable, even though doctors were seeing success.

yes doctors and labs often go off label and there is a lot of good that happens with that.

The issue is what happens next.

There is a reason why tests of new drugs and vaccines divide the subjects into two groups one getting a placebo (something that is known to have no effects) and the other group what is to be tested. that way they can compare the two results. that way you can compare the results of the two groups and say for example proportioionaly speeking the number of people that felt nauseated was equal so that is not a side effect, the number of people that felt better (or what ever) was 20x so that means it is good at doing that.

There was nothing bad with some doctor trying Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine the problem is that people that metanalysed the information and other doctors that tried to reproduce better results by testing them on their patients saw that it was BS.

yes "hydroxychloroquine seemed to get people well quickly and with few hospitalizations at all" but that was/is also true for people that did not take hydroxychloroquine

 Normal vaccines get years of trials and that way the side effects get figured out.  Here, it’s like RTI or somebody has told us to use this controller and worry about the system crashes later on.

that is not accurate.

First of all every year we get a new flu vaccine developed dependent on what flu strains look to be most important elsewhere in the world.

Second were stuff sped up a bity with the Covid vaccine, absolutely by a lot but not in anything that would impact the health of the vaccinated person after testing. Fund raising which is extremely time consuming kind of got eliminated, the process has stages and all of them got done in normal time but usually each stage tends to be very distinct ( i.e. finish animal trial, spend time writing results, send results to government of specific country, wait for their OK for next stage, raise more funds for small human trial, set-up trial, start next stage) , that was now that was different (i.e. while doing animal trial send results to all the gouvernment that spent $$$$ , governments had a lot more people working an all the ones they spent $$$$ reading results almost in real time, start producing and setting up for human stage before the OK, a few days later when the specific gouvernment gave the OK start the next stage. Normally Canada (where I live) would have only received the documentation for all the stages after just before they are ready to go live (it takes money and resources drug companies don't want to waste before they have to) for something where none of the stages happen here. For Covid vaccine there wer4e more people working in real time examining the results. Which was why it got accepted last Dec for use.

Lastly, being in my 50's I knew I would not be one of the first and I was OK with that, Dec 2020 I was not ready to get the vaccine (wanted it to be tested a bit more) But it is now Dec 2021 many have had their first dose over a year ago and over 3.7B have been vaccinated. how much more trial does someone need?

So, I hear ya, keep reading and absorbing data from all sides,

agree with that but I also think source matters. Medical experts at the top of their field I view what they have to say on medical stuff as a lot more important then a high school drop out that has no medical training.

and do what’s best for you and your family! Merry Christmas to you.

Wish you all the best and Merry Christmas to you and your family as well.

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