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Post 8 made on Wednesday December 22, 2021 at 20:36
Loyal Member
May 2002
On December 22, 2021 at 17:49, BizarroTerl said...
There's no question Ivermectin is a valuable medicine. However the medical community hasn't approved it for Covid and preliminary data isn't encouraging that it will be.
Personally I find it crazy people will avoid a immunization with literally hundreds of million doses given with minimal problems yet they'll flock to some other medicine that is for something totally different. Ever talked to someone that is bat sh*t crazy? Someone that says things that make absolutely no sense? That's how I feel when I talk to someone who is anti vax & pro dewormer. Words come out but they're crazy and make absolutely no sense.

I hear ya.  Strange times indeed.

Some odd occurrences accompanied Covid (captain obvious here).  The issue of “off label”, which is using a drug for something other than the normal prescribed use, is ordinary and commonplace, and never controversial until Covid.  Suddenly an 80 year old drug, accepted the world over, on the World Health Organization’s list of “must have” drugs, and over the counter in several countries, was banned for Covid use. (Hydroxychloroquine)

Lest you think it’s uncommon to go “off label”, someone I know, with debilitating muscle pain gets relief from an antidepressant - sounds odd, but it just happens that doctors learn these things work because they actually treat people and heal people.  So it was early with Covid, where hydroxychloroquine, which is used around the world as a safe, anti-malarial treatment, seemed to get people well quickly and with few hospitalizations at all.  But then it got mysteriously pulled and unavailable, even though doctors were seeing success.

I’m pretty neutral about vaccines, between me, my wife and kids we have had dozens, but this one has been a little different and worth reading and keeping up to date on.  Normal vaccines get years of trials and that way the side effects get figured out.  Here, it’s like RTI or somebody has told us to use this controller and worry about the system crashes later on.

So, I hear ya, keep reading and absorbing data from all sides, and do what’s best for you and your family! Merry Christmas to you.

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