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Post 72 made on Wednesday July 21, 2021 at 12:09
DJ Garcia
Founding Member
August 2001
On July 21, 2021 at 11:55, Loraquest said...
I have a 980 for my home theater. The thing still works great 10 years later. If it ever breaks, I'll probably replace it with a 990 (assuming I'll still be able to program it). I have 900's and 880's throughout the rest of my house.

I've been a URC customer for a long time. My first remote was a an MX-500 back when it first came out, and I've bought exclusively URC products ever since. That's why this sudden policy change seems like such a huge slap in the face. I've been a customer for nearly 20 years, and all of the sudden they decide without warning to make all of my products obsolete. That total bulls**t as far as I'm concerned.

I was an MX-3000 beta tester back in 2003-2004 ... the good old days :-)
DJ - MX-4000 LG 77G3

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