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Post 69 made on Wednesday July 21, 2021 at 11:32
DJ Garcia
Founding Member
August 2001
On July 21, 2021 at 11:29, Loraquest said...
The YIO remote looks impressive, but I'm not a fan of the button layout. I'm a hard button guy. The thing I've always loved about URC remotes is that they have the best hard button layouts out there. In my eyes, the MX-880 is pretty much perfection in terms of ergonomics. The transport controls and other important buttons are all super easy to find without looking. This is precisely why I've been such a dedicated URC customer for so many years. If I am forced to switch to something like the YIO remote at some point, I'll definitely feel like I am taking a big step backwards in this regard.

I'm the same - I want buttons, which is why I went with the MX-990, which has 8 instead of 6 LCD buttons, and the color buttons.
DJ - MX-4000 LG 77G3

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