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Post 23 made on Saturday January 23, 2021 at 18:21
Trunk-Slammer -Supreme
Loyal Member
November 2003
On January 23, 2021 at 12:11, Ernie Gilman said...
Yeah, well, now I AM confused. You're getting TV signals when you connect the OTA antenna to the HR20's TV IN connector. And you're getting rid of DTV. Why are we talking about DirecTV signal problems at all?

Dropping DTV is sort of a slow process as I wait for a Tivo and a HDMI to component adapter to show up, and I thought this was an interesting tidbit.

Apparently the off air tuners that DTV sold were pretty lame in that they required am overly strong signal as compared to a TV tuner?

If I install a pre-amp at the antenna the signal is TOO strong, so I lose channels on the TV and gain some but also lose some on the HR20.

It's sort of a WTH thing that I found interesting. Sort of an old school science project...:-)

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