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Post 8 made on Friday January 8, 2021 at 11:51
Loyal Member
September 2004
On January 8, 2021 at 10:58, tomciara said...
I defer to highfigh, since I am only lowfigh lol

Quite quite a bit of interesting information exists about studio monitor speakers. One notable Yamaha NS10 speaker was a studio standard for many years. But those that knew the speaker would tell you that it did not belong in anybody’s home stereo system, it just didn’t sound that great. It was used in the studio almost as a lowest common denominator, the kind of speaker that perhaps most home users would utilize, and therefore needed to be the studio standard for final mixes.

I didn't see your comments about the NS-10 before I posted but it's true and I know someone who had a studio with them sitting on the meters of their mixing console. I used to read Mix Magazine and they would interview people who had mixed wildly successful albums- they usually commented that at some point in the mastering process, they would make a cassette copy and play it through a boom box or car radio- not car stereo, a car radio. They wanted to hear it as punchy with good 'presence', meaning that it would cut through road noise and wind.
My mechanic told me, "I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."

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