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Post 14 made on Monday December 16, 2019 at 07:47
Loyal Member
September 2004
On December 15, 2019 at 17:07, Craig Aguiar-Winter said...
Hey for the record I grew up outside of Vancouver. No humidity. 23c in the summer. The odd bit of snowfall in the Winter. Mountain biking at the bottom of the mountain in the morning. Skiing at the top in the afternoon.

It’s when I moved to Toronto that I learned about 40c with 95% humidity and being able to chew the summer air, and Winter where you face just hurts and you don’t see your neighbour for 5 months, and when you finally do their kids have grown! The first winter I was here the military had to come help with the snow!

The 4 weeks in October and June are nice.
Why did I move here?

Also Toronto is farther south than like 30% of the US so certainly everyone in Montana the Dakotas, Minnesota and Michigan etc feel like I do.

But you have so many Curling clubs!
My mechanic told me, "I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."

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