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Post 11 made on Friday December 6, 2019 at 09:36
Mac Burks (39)
Elite Member
May 2007
Bloomberg enters the race. This is good news for Sanders and Warren. The democratic party is roughly split between right of center pro-clinton/obama/biden and the center and left of center liberals who support things like using tax dollars to benefit every American and not just those who already have million/billions of dollars.

I worried that the primary would play out like this. 1 vote to Biden...1 vote split between Sanders and Warren. Adding Bloomberg in the mix means that half the voters will split their votes between Biden and Bloomberg and half will split their vote between Warren and Sanders. If individual donors are a sign of whos actually going to vote....Sanders wins by a landslide in the primary. And lets face it...a piece of rusty metal responsible for killing baby koalas can beat Trump in a general election at this point. I am sure that at least some of his original base is capable of basic thought so there is no way they will vote for him again.
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