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Post 10 made on Friday December 6, 2019 at 04:21
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
On December 6, 2019 at 00:46, Knowinnothin said...
The customers budget is as pleasant as your attitude has been from all your assumptions.  I’ve never uploaded pictures but I do have a before and after from this summer on the cleanup.  As I’ve said it’s been about 5 years but after his clean up the customer is finally starting to come around and see that he’s on the right track now.  I never thought it would get this far so I’m quite pleased.  Sorry the pictures would add some contrast to the post.

Yes, my attitude has a lot to be desired :)
Like you, dealing with stupid things all day makes for ranting a bit with posts. But I do try and provide context with the rants. It sounds like you already have a handle on it however. Good luck with pushing them to get things done right.

With such clients, I always point out any problems they have with the system, towards the mess they have. And point out it is costing them more time & material to deal with the mess. The longer they wait to fix everything, the more money it is costing them - they eventually could have paid to fix/upgrade everything but they still have the same crap setup.

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