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Post 8 made on Thursday December 5, 2019 at 13:15
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
On December 4, 2019 at 21:54, Knowinnothin said...
I installed (3) dahua 16 channel nvr’s in a local hardware store. This equipment was installed in a rack with the rest of the stores systems. I connected these to a monoprice HDMI kvm and cat5e USB extender that they used to manage the servers from the managers office. I’ve never had any issues during config/setup or during maintenance either. With dahua for playback and or settings a mouse is preferred over a remote.

1) Why would you put in (3) 16 channel NVRs? WTF! You get more complications, no unified searching or archiving, notifications, storage management issues, etc... A single 48 channel NVR appliance (w/RAID), with a 48 port POE switch, would have been a LOT better solution. And probably not cost much more.

2) With the NVR(s) on the network, their is software to manage the NVR(s) locally from their office (that give even more functionality than the direct view menu in many cases these days). They didn't need the KVM switch, all the extra black boxes, dedicated lines, and mess/trouble that 'could' popup from that.

Unless this was a system you did 15+ years ago, I do not agree with your design at all.

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