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Post 10 made on Friday February 22, 2019 at 16:25
Long Time Member
October 2008
Hey guys, amazing there is still some life left in the Nevo platform!! I am still a big fan and have many new units in boxes just for my future needs!!  Hate to give it up.  No longer involved in the industry just a user now.

I had NSP for Q50 working on my new Win 10 computer about 2 years ago but I think some update killed it. There is a very good post here on how to get it on Win 10 and I used that originally with no problems.

But I tried to follow the instructions again but could not get it to work. Anyone have any new ideas?  In the meantime, I am using a older Win7 laptop to adjust programming if I need to. I hate to feel I have to keep an older Win7 box running just to fix programming on my Nevo Q50.

Thx DD

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