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Post 210 made on Thursday October 25, 2018 at 14:22
Loyal Member
July 2007
On October 25, 2018 at 12:22, Josh Willits said...
Hi, everyone. I appreciate all the feedback. We do read all of these. I want to touch on two points:

1. Rewards on More Brands

You are soon going to see the Portal Select status show up for brands you already have direct accounts with. This will allow you to start earning rewards on more purchases. This feature required additional technical implementation, which we are finishing up now. Until now Portal Select has only been available to dealers who didn’t already have an account with the participating supplier. This will open up Portal Select for many more brands you already buy. This is a big focus for us - helping you earn rewards and send orders using Portal to your existing vendors you love and support.

2. We’re Not Perfect

I know, crazy, right? I worked with dealers on our Dealer Happiness team for almost four years before moving to the supplier side of our business. I've talked to hundreds of dealers on demo's, calls, shows, etc. I love reading the posts where dealers boast about how great we are and how much time we save, but I also love the critical posts. The critical ones always contain at least a nugget we can use to improve. One thing i’d like to suggest though… Let’s try not to “win” the arguments about whether Portal is simply “amazing” or “shit”. It’s really not that binary and only seems to cause tension. The truth is that both opinions are right, or at least somewhere in the middle.

In theory, a single web catalog for ordering should save you time, plain and simple. Going to 1 website vs. 10 is better. I think we can all agree on that. There are major challenges in deploying that in a way that works for everyone, with hundreds of suppliers who don't necessarily all know who we are. We work hard, with dealers and suppliers, to keep that data current and accurate. If you trust the feeds from your suppliers on portal, the process of ordering can only be simplified. We don't completely eliminate the need to go to a vendor portal, there are things we don't provide you - like your purchasing level, VIR status, technical documents, training etc. But in terms of purchasing, it should be simpler, especially when used in conjunction with our proposal tool.

Our platform (scratch that), our INDUSTRY is incredibly complex, so we’re not always going to get things right the first time. Based on the thousands of users who are on our site every day, we know we’re doing many things right. We aren’t even close to being done though, we have so much to improve, and we will. Change is very difficult for established industries like ours, which is why seemingly simple tasks like getting a data feed from a supplier can take much longer than anyone would like. For example, we want to tell you that companies like Control4, Sonos, Sony (Tech Data) are fully integrated. These large companies are taking much longer than we could have imagined, despite agreeing to integrate (we are actively working with all of them right now, FYI). We appreciate your patience as we continue to improve. I’d like to thank all our supporters, and for the haters... We’ll win you over soon, all the new stuff we work on is for you!

Thanks again for the feedback Josh.  Two points I wanted to make from your comments.  I agree ordering from one website should be better than 1.  The issue that arose for me on a few occasions was pricing being off (this bit me in the ass in the proposal stage).  As such, I find myself going to my provider websites to confirm pricing now both on proposals and during ordering.  In one case, my supplier noticed the price difference after I ordered and contacted me to see if I wanted to proceed with the order.  I was unavailable in a spot where I had no cell signal and thus delayed the order which required a separate trip to install the piece.  I know the pricing part requires cooperation on the suppliers side to ensure it is correct in your system, but the fact still remains that after encountering the issues on a few occasions, I am gun shy to move ahead with any proposal or order without first double checking, thus slowing down the process.

Second point is, at least for me, I am not a hater.  Frustrated with some of the issues and the timing to push us to either place larger quantity of orders or pay for the proposal software.  I too continually get errors and it just seems like it was not the right time to make the change with the software so seemingly in need of further work.  I still want Portal to succeed, and work as planned 100% of the time.

Lastly, I promised my wife a free meal or two with rewards.  Now she is not speaking to me.  Thanks Portal!!!

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