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Post 1 made on Tuesday July 25, 2017 at 21:45
Long Time Member
August 2016
I have a plasma monitor (no tuner), but I don't have the oem remote. I'm having difficulty using the menu. I've been trying a couple different universal remotes. I have an RCA and a Charter (Spectrum) that use the same 5 digit codes.

The menu has two pages. I can only get at page 1 with the integral control panel, but the panel is inadequate for selecting and making changes. I can only get at page 2 with the remote where I can make changes. The Charter control has "Page" buttons, but they don't do anything. When the "menu" button is pressed on the remote, page 2 always comes up. I can't switch pages with the integral panel or the remote. Even stranger, I can't navigate/change anything on page one with the remote after bringing it up with the integral panel! I've tried every code on the supplied lists.

Is it possible that there are codes not listed that might work?

(I also have a "Genius" remote that I haven't tried, but I think that would only help if I had the oem to learn from.)

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