Your Universal Remote Control Center
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Post 10 made on Thursday February 12, 2015 at 23:51
Founding Member
July 2001

I'm sad to see that I missed this particular boat. I bought my TSU9400 years ago. Sadly, it has sat in the cradle since then. I never even got around to programming it. I guess I always found an excuse to put it off. I do remember downloading all the software and I started the design for my screens, but I put it aside once I realized I wouldn't be able to control some of my devices.

Now, with those old devices gone and a little more free time, I came back here looking for the latest software and any updates on the remote's firmware.

QUESTION: Do you guys think it's worth installing the PC software and giving it a go? Or should I sell the remote and go with an app like Roomie?

Keep in mind that my needs are pretty simple.

Devices: Yamaha RX-Z7; Comcast Cable; Panasonic AE3000 Projector, Oppo DVD, PS3, PC

All equipment is in an alcove in my home theater. I don't need an IR distribution system (though I do have an old Channel Master block with a dead power supply).

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