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Post 4 made on Monday November 3, 2014 at 10:36
Long Time Member
July 2008
On November 2, 2014 at 14:10, Barry Gordon said...
My theater is still controlled by a 9800. The remote in the Master bedroom is a 9600, mainly because I can use it while not looking at it, even when it is under the covers.

I do have an iPhone that I have programmed to control all the TV's, lights, appliances, et, but I need to look at it to use it.

Just wanted to say thanks for all the support you've given us over the years, Barry. You've helped out so many people learn how to get the most out of their Pronto Pros. I just sold my last 9800 + RFX9400 on eBay. It was sad to see them go.

Having to look down at the device for a simple procedure like adjusting the volume is a tad annoying... but not nearly as annoying as when my wife would complain the sound was too loud or too soft and that the remote was closer to me so I should get up and change it. Now with the app on both of our phones, she no longer has that excuse. Lucky me.

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