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Post 8 made on Wednesday May 7, 2014 at 20:35
Ultimate Member
May 2001
On May 5, 2014 at 13:55, djy said...
Can't quite visualise the crowds queuing to see it though.


On May 4, 2014 at 19:28, Daniel Tonks said...
This is why making a robot that looks 60 is the perfect disguise! Frankly, who would build an undercover agent that looked like 30-year-old Arnie? That's like SCREAMING "Look over here! I'm going to kick your ass!"

If you are not expecting an "undercover agent", and you are in constant battle for your life in a crumbling world with limited resources would you rather have a 30-year-old Arnie that can help you in the war or a frail person that would just be syphoning your precious resources and slowing you down on your team? T-800/Model 101 was the first "undercover agent" so no one should be expecting the machine to use that tactic to infiltrate the bases, and once it finds a base everyone should die so no one should be able to say "hey watch out for that strong guy".

That is why to me the idea of a 30-year-old Arnie was not as bad as you imply. But that does not work as well for a 65+Arnie

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