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Post 20 made on Monday April 2, 2012 at 13:35
Loyal Member
July 2007
On April 2, 2012 at 06:09, luka3rd said...

Cliche or spot on? You have questioned the policies and the hardware and the way URC has designed their remotes in a couple threads now. You have admitted also that you want a remote that has Activity and Device menus. There is a perfect solution for you, Harmony. They don't work well, the break often, you have to be online to even program one, are tedious to make work well with more advanced systems, but hey, it does have Activity and Device menus, so I think you will like them.

If you preferred to have a remote that worked well, was designed by people that design remotes for a living, and not mouses and keyboards, and pc speakers, and webcams, and whatnot, then you would be happy to change your thought process and realize that what URC has been doing for years works, and works well. If you haven taken an issue with the fact that URC sells these remotes to pros that they have trained and wish to keep their software in the hands of those that they spent the money to make sure knew how to best utilize their products, then I am sorry I cannot help you. For that reason, I truly believe you would be happier with Harmony, despite their hardware not being on the same level. They are geared towards DIYers and have support channels in place to help you when and if you need it. With URC, as an end user who does not go through a authorized dealer, you will not have any support, and will only end up frustrated and angry at the end of the day.

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