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User Name:Gamification Of Education
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Gamification in Education

Any educator and researcher will tell you that students learn much better when they are motivated. Gamification in education is a methodology aimed at stimulating students to the educational process by means of game elements. Learning can be fun, students and learners can be more and longer involved in educational processes with the use of game design. To learn more about how games can help in education read here:

Gamification in education focuses on using students' basic desires, such as competition, achievement, rewards, and status, to engage more deeply and achieve strong performance and high results.


Digging very deeply, game-based learning and competitive practices have been present since the learning process itself existed. History has proven that simulation of practical situations and competitive contests are the most important and optimal methodologies in educational processes, and even a superficial study of useful examples of the above forms of learning stretches into several dissertations. In the future we will consider these forms only as elements of educational gamification.

The first elements of gamification in education appeared in the early 18th century. It was then that educational institutions began to introduce into the system of educational process the possibility of earning points for completing tasks and passing exams. For example, in the Kiev Theological Academy mentions of the rating system of knowledge evaluation can be found since 1737. Later, with the advent of psychoanalytic theory, reward management programs familiar to all (ball rating system) were developed.

At the same time "gamification in education" is not just a name for a practice that has been used in educational processes for many years, if only because gamification does not refer to a one-dimensional system where rewards are offered for performing certain actions. Gamification in education is both a tool that allows the use of game mechanics in the learning process, a system that optimizes the learning process itself, and a multifaceted approach to education that takes into account the psychology, behavior and motivation of students.

In 1956, American psychologist Benjamin Bloom developed a classification of levels of educational behavior: cognitive (knowledge), affective (feeling) and psychomotor (action). At the cognitive level Bloom proposed six categories: knowledge, understanding, use, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Simulations and learning games are quite effective for the three lower levels of the taxonomy (knowledge, understanding, use), promoting motivation, emotion, and attitude.

To answer how motivation and engagement can be increased by meeting human needs, psychologists turn to motivational theories that explain the success of gamification by addressing human needs: self-actualization, competition, and independence. One theory that has been successfully applied in the context of gamification is self-determination theory, which postulates three basic psychological and internal needs:

The need for competence suggests that each individual seeks to feel competent in intentionally influencing the environment with which he or she interacts.

The need for autonomy refers to the psychological freedom and will to perform a particular task. In this context, autonomy refers both to the freedom to make decisions (which implies the ability to choose between several courses of action) and to the meaningfulness of the task, which implies that a given course of action is consistent with one's own goals and attitudes.

The need for social relatedness refers to a sense of belonging, attachment and caring toward a particular group.

Research shows that even for advanced online courses, the initial interaction of the learner with the online platform, as well as control of learning and motivation, are key factors. In addition, learning styles and thus attitudes toward gamification in learning vary depending on personality type as well as culture and learning environment.


Games can be an effective educational model - studies show that when a more passive model of learning is used, 40% of students forget what they have learned after 20 minutes. The Harvard Graduate School of Education reports that only 56% of students complete four-year degrees within six years. It is argued that this is due to existing systemic deficiencies in educational processes - schools are behind the times.
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Status:Junior Member
Registered:January 26, 2022
- Has been a member for 2 years, 6 months, 0 days.
Forum Posts:1
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Last Post:January 26, 2022 09:10
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