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Your search found 5 files by John Newby.
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Philips Pronto & ProntoPro
Samsung Television LNxxB550
(Remote model BN59-00852A)
For: Philips TS-1000
By: John Newby
This CCF file contains two pages of hex codes 1) all 48 OEM remote buttons and 2) 27 confirmed discrete codes including power on and off, input selection, aspect selection, picture mode, etc. Also included in an Excel file with all the hex codes in the CCF file. I believe this code set is generally compatible with most current Samsung LCD TV models.
Updated: December 30, 2009  Size: 23kb
Hughes DSS Receiver/DVR HR20-700
(Remote model RC34)
For: Philips TS-1000
By: John Newby
A complete setup for this device.
Updated: March 06, 2007  Size: 4kb
URC MX/TX Text Series
Hughes DSS Receiver/DVR HR20-700
(Remote model RC34)
For: HTM MX-700 (Device)
By: John Newby
In addition to the hard keys available on the remote, the following codes are included: Begin: 'Replay' key -- when held for 3 seconds will jump to beginning or previous bookmark. End: 'Advance' key -- when held for 3 seconds will jump to end or next bookmark. Slow: 'Play' key -- when held for 3 seconds will play in slow motion. Jump<=: 'Rewind' key -- when held for 3 seconds will jump to the previous tick mark. Jump=>: 'FFWD' key -- when held for 3 seconds will jump to the next tick mark. P-Off: Discrete power off. P-On: Discrete power on. Batt: Displays a message that the remote batteries are low (just for fun).
Updated: March 05, 2007  Size: 5kb
Hughes DSS Receiver/DVR HR10-250
For: HTM MX-700 (Device)
By: John Newby
A device file with all learned codes and macros for various system commands (30 second skip, clock display, input status, etc.), and system shortcuts (now playing, to do list, etc.). Please refer to the documentation (Acrobat format) for answers to questions.
Updated: December 24, 2004  Size: 268kb
Philips Pronto & ProntoPro
Hughes DSS Receiver/DVR HR10-250
For: Philips TS-1000
By: John Newby
Basic device screen with learned codes for all remote buttons and discrete codes for Standby 0 through Standby 9.
Updated: July 30, 2004  Size: 3kb
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