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Your search found 3 files by Chris Petersen.
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Philips Pronto & ProntoPro
Miscellanous PC TV Tuner HiPix DTV-200
(Remote model N/A)
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Chris Petersen
This CCF uses hot key emulation from the Airboard IR keyboard with this high definition tuner card. This version has support for direct channels and direct aspect ratio/resolution control.
Updated: April 29, 2002  Size: 7kb
Focus Enhancements Video Scaler TV View QuadScan
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Chris Petersen
This is a simple one-page device for the QuadScan. All keys are present and work. This was somewhat difficult to learn since the Pronto apparantly can't capture directly from the remote (I had to use an intermediate).
Updated: August 26, 2000  Size: 3kb
LinkSys VGA Switcher SVIEW04
(Remote model Airboard #SK-7000)
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Chris Petersen
This is a CCF to directly change inputs on a LinkSys VGA switchbox. It works in conjunction with an Airboard IR keyboard, but can be adapted to others. This CCF should work with 2, 4 and 8 station versions.
Updated: August 26, 2000  Size: 3kb
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