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Your search found 2 files by Abdul Jalib.
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Home Theater Master MX-1000

For: HTM MX-1000
By: Abdul Jalib
Abdul Jalib's Seascape Configuration (MDL)
This is my conceptual prototype for an MX-1000 layout with a sea motif. Your buttons are fish, crabs, lobsters, shells, and black pearls (plus a "water surface" button.) No functions are attached to the buttons, since I don't actually own an MX-1000. Includes .BTN and .BMP files plus the button.ini file. See the readme.txt file for installation instructions. I've set up the interface for two devices. In older MDL format.
Updated: February 16, 2001  Size: 66kb
Utilities - Blank MDL File
For: HTM MX-1000
By: Abdul Jalib
What the artist was striving for here was not a void of dispair, but rather the hope of a new start as symbolized by the pure white light of Genesis. Actually, it's just a blank MDL designed to save you time if you really do want to start with a clean slate, because it takes a long time to delete all the default buttons by hand. Unpack the ZIP archive in your root MX-1000 directory. It will create a directory called "Blank"; see the readme.txt therein for further installation instructions. (Not for use with MX Designer.)
Updated: February 16, 2001  Size: 36kb
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