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You are currently browsing through the Philips Pronto NG TSU3000, TSU3500, RU950, RU960, ProntoPro NG TSU7000, TSU7500, RU980, RU990, Marantz RC5400 & RC9500 file area. To return to the beginning click here.
This is my first configuration. I did not use any graphical elements from the Daniel Tonks remote that I'm aware of. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice remote but I wanted to try to create something original. My graphics may look dark but they have to be to show up on the TSU3000 (i.e they're not that dark on the remote). Like many of the configurations here, I created a hidden page of codes for every device then linked the buttons to the code pages. I learned the codes for every button on every remote that pertained to the device regardless of whether or not I intended to use it in my design. I thought that if by chance I had a remote that someone was looking for that they might appreciate having the entire remote. Most of my devices have two or three GUI pages. At the top are tabs with devices related to each other. The white tab indicates the current page and the dark tabs are buttons to switch to the other devices. On the left side of each screen is a block of common buttons that carry over to each page. In the middle is a graphic that I created and what I would consider rather large, simple buttons that are easy for me to press. See the readme.txt file for more details.
Version 4.1 All of the graphics have been completely redone again – this time I managed to give them a glass-like look. The transport buttons are based on Mike Ventimiglia’s ‘Envision’ design, however, they have also been redone from scratch and given a glass-like appearance. The icons at the top of each device are loosely based on John Sollecito’s design. I even designed a new battery icon which turned out quite nicely. I am an avid SCUBA diver and so the background pictures are themed after this. I have included the original generic background pictures if you wish to use them instead. I completely overhauled the underlying layout of the configuration file and moved the IR codes sections out from each of the devices. The reason I did this was to better access these hidden sections from the remote itself. There is, however, an access code required to enter the macros and IR codes area. It is set as “1, 2, 3, 4, Enter” and can easily be changed to whatever you wish. You can access this area by pressing the “setup” icon an then choosing the “IR Codes & Macros” button.
This time I am made a modified version of my PCF file for those with the Pronto version of these excellent... (more)
This is my attempt to design a unique configuration for the ProntoPro NG. I like to design devices that look similar to the original remote, so others could operate the remote with ease.
The TOOL, DEVIVE and PAGE# labels have changed cosmetically. HARD-BUTTON 1 through 4 are reserved for instant access to frequently used devices. HOME and HARD-BUTTON 1-4 also function as page down when pressed again.
For additional info, press the [?] button, where available.
Note: Some buttons (lights and scene) are not programmed since there are many different ways to send X-10 signals. Also, toggle lights (in the SCENE section) does not work on current version of emulator(, but works when downloaded to the ProntoProNG. Please download the PCF file and take a look. Unleash your creativity and copy, modify, add and edit to your liking!
My second PCF for the TSU3000 is a unique file that features a futuristic interface, page "morphs" instead of "jumps", and even a friendly robot. It might make you feel like you are controlling something other than a home theater.