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 Files > Pronto NG > Systems > Color (Details)
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Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000
Submitted by:
Jens Roever
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File Rating:
100% (4 votes)
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Contest Entry #07: The Works
The result of my design: 134 custom-made buttons (not counting spacers & labels)! My favorite button is the volume toggle in the lower right page. Here's what's unique about my configuration:
  1. Consistent frame-based GUI with three button groups in frame:
    TOP: device selection with trinary button states - pressing a pressed button in the main page of a device executes a setup macro with auto-power-on, etc.
    LEFT: device specific buttons, e.g. TiVo: Favorites, Thumbs Up/Down, Slo-Mo
    BOTTOM: “orthogonal” (e.g. X-10 & Amplifier are always needed independent media devices), or common functions (Keypad)
  2. Modifier buttons, when pressed once, lead to an extra screen – when pressed again they lead back to same device
  3. Eye pleasing “soft” design with fairly correct lighting (shadows, etc.) and well balanced colors
  4. Simplicity – one page operation with most common functions
  5. No confusing clutter (I put in time, date & battery for completeness only... I actually prefer it without those items, but it's easier to erase them than to integrate them later)
  6. The activity signal is still visible, though barely taking up any space now
  7. Background is defined on the System page only, for easy changing if one gets bored (alpha transparancies are great!)
  8. No start page is needed – from any place to anywhere in one button press!
  9. Intuitive buttons with a nice big Power Off button in the upper-left corner.
Updated:March 11, 2004
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