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 Files > Pronto > Systems > Large Screen (Details)
File Details & Download

Designed for:
Marantz RC9200
Submitted by:
Nicholas D. Satullo
Show author's email address.
File Rating:
83% (3 votes)
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The Marilyn Remote
Since I couldn't improve on Daniel's buttons - his buttons are it - I wanted an equipment based remote with THE BEST ICONS OF ALL TIME. I turned to the ultimate icon, the forever young Marilyn Monroe. Lucky for my concept, no one left a more exquisite photo legend behind, so material exists aplenty. Since my HT is filled with virtually every possible electronic toy, the macros and the integration remain a work in progress.

Components in this system:
DSS:Dish Network Echostar 6000
DVD:Kenwood Sovereign DV-5900M
DVD-R:Panasonic DMR-E20
LD:Pioneer DVL-700
Preamplifier:Krell HTS-2
Processor:Lexicon MC-12B
Projector:NEC XG135LC
Scaler:Faroudja NRS-720P
VCR:Mitsubishi HS-U760
Updated:July 03, 2002
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