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 Files > Pronto Professional > Other > Utilities > My Database Utilities (Details)
File Details & Download
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Submitted by:
Ron Chernich
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RDBMan v1.0 id the first release of a fine-grained export/import utility for the PEP V1.1 "My Database" code sets. This allows users to share individual code sets, effectively merging them from one user's database to another (PEP has an all or nothing backup/restore that makes it hard and tiresome to perform this function).

Sets are exported as XML and may be easily inspected (and modified--though doing this outside of PEP is strongly discouraged). The utility requires ActiveState Tcl and the SQLite3 tcl library. Both are open source and freely available. Installation and operation instructions are provided in the download README file.

RDBMan is supplied as a Creative Commons Share-Alike-Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Updated:October 26, 2008
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