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 Files > Pronto Professional > Systems > Original (Details)
File Details & Download

Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Submitted by:
Noel Blackman
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File Rating:
100% (2 votes)
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Contest Entry #07: Aura
THIRD PLACE WINNER! Aura is a very flexible design that can be used for personal projects as well as professional programmer’s clients. You can create any background you like to customize the template or choose one of ten different colored backgrounds I made especially for this design. There are extra pre-made pages for Blu-ray, HD-DVD, QWERTY keyboard, plus an alternative to the Lutron page for lighting control for those who like to use the IR codes.

Adding buttons or creating new devices is very easy, there are eight pages of different size, dual state buttons and extra device icons which are pre-arranged that you can simply copy and paste into the correct position for a newly created activity. This design uses as much of the page as possible while minimizing the negative space between buttons and the need for multiple pages.
Updated:April 29, 2007
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