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Your search found 2 files by Ed Van Every.
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My Database Utilities - Empty My IR Database
For: All Models
By: Ed Van Every
Empty Database to restore for clean start with device codes. This helps to eliminate the "Brand" clutter left behind even after the devices in the default (MyDatabase) items are all deleted. Thanks to RON7 for the SQL code to clean out all the Brand info... Import this database if you ultimately only want to see your specific devices listed in the available device list.
Updated: October 26, 2008  Size: 60kb
My Database Utilities - PDBTOOLS
For: All Models
By: Ed Van Every
PEP1/PEP2 Device Export/Import DataBase Utilities
PDBEXPORT and PDBIMPORT provide the ability to export and import individual device information (including function codes) to/from the V1 and V2 PEP Component Databases. The Device Info Files are tab delimited and user editable for additional functionality. See the README file inside the archive for more information...
Updated: October 26, 2008  Size: 422kb
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