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Your search found 9 files by Charlie Schneider.
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For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Charlie Schneider
The Game Room & Basement
This remote controls a wall panel of near identical Samsung HDTV's - one 52 inch, two 40 inch and one 26 inch over by the bar. Also, it can control the home theater, the gym TV and the TV in the Nanny room.

What makes this remote set up unique are the following:

  • Extensive use of Pronto Script to keep track of how the remote is being used and in controlling the routing of the AV device chosen to the View Station desired. There are two modes. Individual TV/view station mode and in Game Room mode where the three game room TV's are all on and controlled at the same time.
  • Extensive utilization of the RF system to communicate to all of the gear centrally located in the media closet (including 3 identical DVR boxes) and to control the identical Samsung TV's in the game room.
  • Utilization of the Audio Authority whole house AV distribution system
  • Utilization of the new Sony HES-V1000 Media Server including the discovery of its discrete on/off codes.
I have not finished completing the music and picture systems. However, over the years I have utilized so much from this site, I felt it was time to provide some payback! As you know, a good remote control is never done!
Updated: April 24, 2008  Size: 1.53mb
Audio Authority Audio Distribution System 1166
For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Charlie Schneider
Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: April 24, 2008  Size: 1.53mb
B&K Receiver AVR-202
For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Charlie Schneider
In the game room. Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: April 24, 2008  Size: 1.53mb
B&K Receiver AVR-307
For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Charlie Schneider
In the theater. Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: April 24, 2008  Size: 1.53mb
DirecTV DSS Receiver HR21
For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Charlie Schneider
Three units controlled. Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: April 24, 2008  Size: 1.53mb
Pioneer DVD Player Elite DV-45A
For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Charlie Schneider
Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: April 24, 2008  Size: 1.53mb
Seleco Projector Sim2 HT350
For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Charlie Schneider
Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: April 24, 2008  Size: 1.53mb
Sony Game System Playstation 3
For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Charlie Schneider
Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: April 24, 2008  Size: 1.53mb
Sony Media Server HES-V1000
For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Charlie Schneider
Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: April 24, 2008  Size: 1.53mb
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