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There are 36 Normal System Files.
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For: UEI NevoS70
By: Adam Evans
My Home Control
My S70 remote build, for the following components.
Updated: January 03, 2010  Size: 3.12mb

For: UEI NevoQ50
By: Carlos Segarra
Single Room with Help & Remote Tutorial
Q50 file for a single room system, using discrete codes and/or sensors. This particular file was ammended to include video sensors, but could be easily edited to do without (discrete and non-discrete codes). I created Help macros for turning the system on or off, plus a multi-page tutorial on using the Q50 remote. Standby and 'Please wait' pages feature our logo. Sharp commands feature a mix of Nevo library codes and hex codes from RC.
Updated: January 03, 2010  Size: 1.22mb

For: UEI NevoS70
By: Deiby Rojas
Home Theater & Other Rooms
A complete multi-room configuration.
Updated: June 03, 2009  Size: 637kb

For: UEI NevoQ50
By: Aram Basmadjian
Aram's Complete Home Theater System
This file is the complete control system for our home theater. It is a work in progress and has not been totally completed. Due to lack of discrete Power On/Off commands for the Motorola cable box, I had to be a bit creative in the nesting of menus so that there is never a situation where the cable box is out of sync with the remote.
Updated: February 06, 2009  Size: 371kb

For: UEI NevoQ50
By: Dan Farmer
Dan's Simple Room
A complete system file with macros using video and voltage sensors.
Updated: February 06, 2009  Size: 472kb

For: UEI NevoQ50
By: John Krug
Nevo Q50 from a Viking 60' Yacht
When I first got started programming Nevo remotes, the files on Remote Central really helped me get started. This is a file from a 60' Viking Yacht that I worked on recently. It controls all of the equipment in the salon. I setup a seperate device section that allows you to get into all of the lesser used functions for each piece of equipment.

There are discrete on/off and video input codes for the Sharp LC37d43u which I have tested on other Sharp LCDs. There are also discrete on/off and input codes for the Lifestyle 38. These will work on other lifestyle systems as well.

Updated: February 06, 2009  Size: 2.12mb

For: UEI NevoQ50
By: John Krug
Nevo Q50 with Countdown Animations
This is a complete file that has a couple custom animations that I used for countdowns during long macros. I used a voltage sensor to let the remote know when to use the long version of the animation when the television is off, or the short version when the television is on. There are also many icons that I created myself using GIMP photo editing software. This file is used in the salon on a 60' Viking Yacht.
Updated: February 06, 2009  Size: 11.14mb

For: UEI NevoS70
By: Grzegorz
Controls a lighting system and automation gateway, as well as a multimedia system.
Updated: February 06, 2009  Size: 2.83mb

For: UEI NevoQ50
By: Drew Preston
AppleTV-esk Interface
I took one of Nevo's pre-built samples and I turned it into an Apple TV-esk like interface using the AppleTV button. The configuration is still step up as a template so you can use the Super Fast Device swap feature in NevoStudioPro. To use the interface, you can use the touchscreen and touch the button or any of the labels or my fav - use the cursor pad on the Q50 to scroll between selection of Watch TV, Watch Movie etc and use the OK Button to select and start the activity.
Updated: November 10, 2008  Size: 409kb

For: UEI NevoQ50
By: Korey Sherwin
Korey's Q50
Designed for consistency and ease of use. Pioneer and Anthem RS232 control. Nevo Connect NC50 is required.
Updated: November 10, 2008  Size: 615kb
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