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There are 36 Normal System Files.
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For: UEI NevoSL
By: Mitchel Hayes
Mitchel Hayes' NVO File
A complete system built on Daniel Tonks' awesome Pronto TSU7000 configuration.
Updated: March 23, 2006  Size: 958kb

For: UEI NevoS70
By: Adam Evans
My Home Control
My S70 remote build, for the following components.
Updated: January 03, 2010  Size: 3.12mb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Sacegate
My Modest Contribution!
A mix of screens from DVD movie covers, a few buttons, some good macros, plus reformatted 3D buttons.
Updated: July 31, 2007  Size: 4.15mb

For: UEI NevoQ50
By: John Krug
Nevo Q50 from a Viking 60' Yacht
When I first got started programming Nevo remotes, the files on Remote Central really helped me get started. This is a file from a 60' Viking Yacht that I worked on recently. It controls all of the equipment in the salon. I setup a seperate device section that allows you to get into all of the lesser used functions for each piece of equipment.

There are discrete on/off and video input codes for the Sharp LC37d43u which I have tested on other Sharp LCDs. There are also discrete on/off and input codes for the Lifestyle 38. These will work on other lifestyle systems as well.

Updated: February 06, 2009  Size: 2.12mb

For: UEI NevoQ50
By: John Krug
Nevo Q50 with Countdown Animations
This is a complete file that has a couple custom animations that I used for countdowns during long macros. I used a voltage sensor to let the remote know when to use the long version of the animation when the television is off, or the short version when the television is on. There are also many icons that I created myself using GIMP photo editing software. This file is used in the salon on a 60' Viking Yacht.
Updated: February 06, 2009  Size: 11.14mb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Nicodep
Nicodep's System Setup
A complete system setup file for the NevoSL.
Updated: March 23, 2006  Size: 3.97mb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Pierre-Marie Oudot
PMO's NevoSL
A complete system setup, with Belgian cable TV icons, for the following devices.
Updated: July 13, 2006  Size: 424kb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Paul Pearce
Paul Pearce's Full Setup
This is my first attempt on my Nevo since upgrading from my Pronto TSU6000. I have included some SKY HD channel logos, which with one press, will take you straight to the channel. All remote codes are included. Enjoy!
Updated: March 08, 2007  Size: 3.94mb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Perry Brill
Perry Brill's NevoSL
This is a first attempt at customising my Nevo. Utilising macros to show some basic animation as the screens change. If you go from the main screen using the top button, which shows the Sky menu page on a plasma panel, the animation shows a rippling effect and transports you to the menu page for Sky. There is more animation when you press pause or play on this screen and you are taken to a more basic screen with large buttons for easier access and use. Again, using the back button on this screen will show a ripple animation back to the main screen. This is a work in progress so some feedback or ideas would be appreciated.
Updated: December 25, 2006  Size: 2.93mb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Roger
Roger's Frech Layout
Macros allowing to set up all devices for projection, to set up devices for recording a TV program, to listen to music via archos MP3 multimedia player. Also direct access to each device with main functions.
Updated: July 13, 2006  Size: 1.35mb
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