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There are 36 Normal System Files.
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For: UEI NevoQ50
By: Drew Preston
Drew's MultiRoom NevoQ50 Configuration
This is my configuration is use every day on my NevoQ50 to control my multi-room system. The Russound CAA66 is controlled via the RS-232 Port connected to the NC-50 NevoConnect.
Updated: April 20, 2008  Size: 671kb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Grzegorz
Home Control A/V & Lighting
A complete system setup for the following devices.
Updated: April 18, 2008  Size: 3.75mb

For: UEI NevoS70
By: Deiby Rojas
Home Theater & Other Rooms
A complete multi-room configuration.
Updated: June 03, 2009  Size: 637kb

For: UEI NevoQ50
By: Guillaume Jamet
Howdoin's Home Theater
Complete system setup for Nevo Q50 with Nevo Connect. Includes a custom designed series of screen for "loading". All activities working but only main activities and home page have been customized. Device pages have not yet been customized.
Updated: April 20, 2008  Size: 210kb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Jeff Nelson
Jeff Nelson's NevoSL
Includes the new scroll wheel from Nevo. A simple setup for a customer.
Updated: July 13, 2006  Size: 1.10mb

For: UEI NevoQ50
By: Korey Sherwin
Korey's Q50
Designed for consistency and ease of use. Pioneer and Anthem RS232 control. Nevo Connect NC50 is required.
Updated: November 10, 2008  Size: 615kb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Kris
Kris' First Nevo Setup
This system incorporates a Sony VCR to change channels on the tunerless plasma. It's my first Nevo set up, so pardon if its amateur. For instance, I should have set up short-cuts (global macros) for channel presets, instead of doing them all one by one with macros. This set up was designed for a customer who is not a button pusher, so many settings controls are tucked away, leaving just transport functions in the forefront.
Updated: March 23, 2006  Size: 1.25mb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Lindsay Ewan
Lindsay's First Effort
Full system file. This is my first effort, but everything works. I used the supplied icons and screens with the exception of the two home screens, which are of my valve power amp (nice glowing valves). There are some more unusual items being controlled that I couldn't find on the net., so they have all been "learned" and checked. I hope that they are of some use to someone.

Thoughts: the macro language isn't a language at all. Its similar to a DOS batch file, in fact even that was more powerful than this. It needs a proper macro language and then it could fly, ie. using conditional statements, goto's, then, variables, and boolean. But on the whole very impressed with the ease by which it is programmed.

Updated: April 18, 2008  Size: 744kb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Mark Jennings
Mark Jennings' System
Multi page system outlining individual components and activity based buttons. Layout is running slow on new NevoSL acquired to replace a recently damaged unit (same model). The previous (now damaged) model was not nearly as slow responding to the touch screen and hard buttons. This file is being uploaded for diagnostic purposes.
Updated: April 18, 2008  Size: 5.68mb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Mike Jenkins
Mike Jenkins' Nevo
My config based on standard/customised Nevo gallery. Uses device buttons at top of each page to jump to a device directly (except home page which contains activities and system power off). Home page also contains a Devices button, to jump to page allowing individual power control of all devices (and a direct jump to any device). Includes a selection of SKY UK TV channel logos.
Updated: August 01, 2006  Size: 1.48mb
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