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There are 36 Normal System Files.
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For: UEI NevoSL
By: Scott Matson
Scott Matson's NevoSL
A complete system setup file for the NevoSL.
Updated: March 23, 2006  Size: 1.64mb

For: UEI NevoQ50
By: Carlos Segarra
Single Room with Help & Remote Tutorial
Q50 file for a single room system, using discrete codes and/or sensors. This particular file was ammended to include video sensors, but could be easily edited to do without (discrete and non-discrete codes). I created Help macros for turning the system on or off, plus a multi-page tutorial on using the Q50 remote. Standby and 'Please wait' pages feature our logo. Sharp commands feature a mix of Nevo library codes and hex codes from RC.
Updated: January 03, 2010  Size: 1.22mb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Steve Avery
Steve Avery - File Menu Style
Based on my pronto design. Consistant menu system accross all pages. Menus overlay page for a file menu/ PC menu look and feel. Designed for a clean looking screen but with all options within a few clicks. Activity based design extended to PVR (Sky+) to automatically change the hard buttons based on whether you are watching live TV or recorded TV. "Please wait" screen added. "Jump" macro that jumps to all screens the returns home added. The Nevo is faster once a screen is loaded into memory. Jumping to all screens loads all screens. Power off has confirm screen (usefull when your TV has a 3 minute on/off time :) Menu bitmaps created with MS paint (OMG). All other buttons from Nevo. Added a beep macro. Rather than using beeps directly using this shortcut allows beeps to be blobally changed by changing just one macro.
Updated: December 25, 2006  Size: 4.14mb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Steve Yon
Steve's Home Theater
Two home pages, one with "Steve's Home Theater" Marquee and second is selection page. Customized top bar on main pages (same as bottom navigation bar only 180 deg shift). Complete "Switch" functions to change from one device to another as well as master "tool" page. Many customized graphics etc.
Updated: March 08, 2007  Size: 1.61mb

For: UEI NevoS70
By: Grzegorz
Controls a lighting system and automation gateway, as well as a multimedia system.
Updated: February 06, 2009  Size: 2.83mb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Christian Kellner
Zeke's System
Once you get started, the imagination is the only limit. There are some custom backgrounds and buttons. It includes TV and radio logos for Sweden (Com Hem Medium).
Updated: November 10, 2008  Size: 1.52mb
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