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There are 36 Normal System Files.
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For: UEI NevoSL
By: Steve Avery
Steve Avery - File Menu Style
Based on my pronto design. Consistant menu system accross all pages. Menus overlay page for a file menu/ PC menu look and feel. Designed for a clean looking screen but with all options within a few clicks. Activity based design extended to PVR (Sky+) to automatically change the hard buttons based on whether you are watching live TV or recorded TV. "Please wait" screen added. "Jump" macro that jumps to all screens the returns home added. The Nevo is faster once a screen is loaded into memory. Jumping to all screens loads all screens. Power off has confirm screen (usefull when your TV has a 3 minute on/off time :) Menu bitmaps created with MS paint (OMG). All other buttons from Nevo. Added a beep macro. Rather than using beeps directly using this shortcut allows beeps to be blobally changed by changing just one macro.
Updated: December 25, 2006  Size: 4.14mb

For: UEI NevoQ50
By: Aram Basmadjian
Aram's Complete Home Theater System
This file is the complete control system for our home theater. It is a work in progress and has not been totally completed. Due to lack of discrete Power On/Off commands for the Motorola cable box, I had to be a bit creative in the nesting of menus so that there is never a situation where the cable box is out of sync with the remote.
Updated: February 06, 2009  Size: 371kb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Perry Brill
Perry Brill's NevoSL
This is a first attempt at customising my Nevo. Utilising macros to show some basic animation as the screens change. If you go from the main screen using the top button, which shows the Sky menu page on a plasma panel, the animation shows a rippling effect and transports you to the menu page for Sky. There is more animation when you press pause or play on this screen and you are taken to a more basic screen with large buttons for easier access and use. Again, using the back button on this screen will show a ripple animation back to the main screen. This is a work in progress so some feedback or ideas would be appreciated.
Updated: December 25, 2006  Size: 2.93mb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Dave D'Arche
Dave D'Arche's Nevo NVO
Complete activity-based configuration featuring a simple help system as well as a method which offers a "device-level" approach, used to get to device pages without firing macros from the home page. Also includes multiple pages of favorite channel icons. Complete programming, codes, display pages and macros, featuring "wait" pages for the following devices.
Updated: March 23, 2006  Size: 746kb

For: UEI NevoS70
By: Adam Evans
My Home Control
My S70 remote build, for the following components.
Updated: January 03, 2010  Size: 3.12mb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Lindsay Ewan
Lindsay's First Effort
Full system file. This is my first effort, but everything works. I used the supplied icons and screens with the exception of the two home screens, which are of my valve power amp (nice glowing valves). There are some more unusual items being controlled that I couldn't find on the net., so they have all been "learned" and checked. I hope that they are of some use to someone.

Thoughts: the macro language isn't a language at all. Its similar to a DOS batch file, in fact even that was more powerful than this. It needs a proper macro language and then it could fly, ie. using conditional statements, goto's, then, variables, and boolean. But on the whole very impressed with the ease by which it is programmed.

Updated: April 18, 2008  Size: 744kb

For: UEI NevoQ50
By: Dan Farmer
Dan's Simple Room
A complete system file with macros using video and voltage sensors.
Updated: February 06, 2009  Size: 472kb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Grzegorz
Home Control A/V & Lighting
A complete system setup for the following devices.
Updated: April 18, 2008  Size: 3.75mb

For: UEI NevoS70
By: Grzegorz
Controls a lighting system and automation gateway, as well as a multimedia system.
Updated: February 06, 2009  Size: 2.83mb

For: UEI NevoSL
By: Mitchel Hayes
Mitchel Hayes' NVO File
A complete system built on Daniel Tonks' awesome Pronto TSU7000 configuration.
Updated: March 23, 2006  Size: 958kb
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