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Lee Friedman's MX-950
Designed for:
Complete Control MX-950 Aurora
Submitted by:
Lee Friedman
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This is a novice's basic setup of the MX-950 remote. There are a few comments I would like to add regarding my design philosophy. I am fortunate in that my components all offered discrete on/off codes, enabling me to avoid variable statements for the various power statuses of the devices. The main program design issue I had was the main up/down/left/right "joystick" button in the middle of the remote. While it normally operates the codes for the Motorola STB, I had to design a situation in which it controls the TV menu system if that is accessed (hence assigning the joystick buttons to the Pioneer). I managed to do this by writing identical pages under both TV and STB devices; the default page is the STB device, where the toggle operates STB commands. When "menu" is pressed however, it opens the identical page under TV, wherein the toggle operates Pioneer commands. The MENU button itself toggles between the pages so that exiting the TV menu brings the remote back to STB-appropriate commands. Menu paging is seemless, with only the page title changing. I used variables to define the status of the AVR device selector (eg. TV, DVD, etc.), since changing from TV to TV or DVD to DVD causes the AVR to cut the signal for a few seconds. The Listen functions are still in the rudimentary phases of development, but the Watch devices are fully functional at least in a basic sense (I fully expect to embellish these as I grow more familiar with the AVR and add commands).

Components in this system:
Cable:Motorola DCT6412
CD:Sony CDP-CE405
DVD:Denon DVD-1920
Receiver:Denon AVR-3806
Television:Pioneer Elite PRO-1130HD
Updated:July 12, 2006
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