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Your search found 16 files by Xerxes Labrador.
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Complete System Setup Files
Xerxes's Logical MX-950 Configuration
For: URC MX-950
By: Xerxes Labrador
I lately replaced my MX-700 with the MX-950 because I got fed up with it not being able to handle the complete automation of my A/V equipment setup. Getting the MX-950 has been a boon to my A/V viewing and listening pleasure. Not only was I able to solve the problem of toggle ON/OFF power commands, but I was also able to program my remote to be 'smarter' than the average. I believe in "form follows function" so my programming is more of functionality rather than asthetics. Now, A/V activities are fool proof! So here is my setup which I am sharing with you and hopefully, you could appreciate some of the strategies that were implemented (see the included documentation for full details) and use them to cook your own flavored MX-950.
Updated: March 22, 2007  Size: 280kb
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