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Your search found 11 files by MikeV.
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Marantz Receiver SR4300
(Remote model RC4300SR)
For: URC MX-900
By: MikeV
Part of a complete system MXG file.
Updated: December 25, 2006  Size: 29kb
Microsoft HTPC Windows Media Center
For: URC MX-900
By: MikeV
Part of a complete system MXG file.
Updated: December 25, 2006  Size: 29kb
Motorola Cable Box DCT6412
For: URC MX-900
By: MikeV
Part of a complete system MXG file.
Updated: December 25, 2006  Size: 29kb
Nyko PlayStation 3 Remote BluWave
For: URC MX-900
By: MikeV
Device file for a Nyko BluWave IR remote for the PS3.
Updated: March 07, 2008  Size: 4kb
Panasonic Television TC-32LX60
(Remote model EUR7613Z90R)
For: URC MX-900
By: MikeV
Part of a complete system MXG file.
Updated: December 25, 2006  Size: 29kb
Roku Media Server Soundbridge M1000
For: URC MX-900
By: MikeV
Part of a complete system MXG file.
Updated: December 25, 2006  Size: 29kb
Zektor Video Switch HDS4
For: URC MX-900
By: MikeV
Part of a complete system MXG file.
Updated: December 25, 2006  Size: 29kb
Mike's MX-900 File
For: URC MX-900
By: MikeV
System includes all soundfield discrete macros for Marantz SRxx00 series receivers. Discrete FF/REW and upconvert commands for the LG DV7832NXC (Zenith DVB-318) included. Use of Press and Hold macros and other notes are explained in the readme file included in the zip.
Updated: December 25, 2006  Size: 29kb
LG DVD Player DV7832NXC
For: HTM MX-700 (Device)
By: Mike V.
Has discretes/learned/macro commands for: 2x Back/Fwd; 4x Back/Fwd; 16x Back/Fwd; 100x Back/Fwd; Factory Reset; LG Pluge Screen; EEPROM Edit Screen. Upconvert mapped to Guide, Last mapped to Prev Ch, and Skip +/- mapped to CH+/-. Tested on the LG which I have, but the Zenith is the same model and should work fine.
Updated: November 03, 2004  Size: 3kb
Marantz Receiver SR5300
(Remote model RC5300SR)
For: HTM MX-700 (Device)
By: Mike V.
Splits the Marantz SRx300 (eg. SR4300, SR5300) series into three devices: AMP, SOUND, and TUNER. Discrete codes used wherever available including: On/Off, Dolby, DPL, DPLII Movie and Music, CSII, CSII Cinema and Music.
Updated: May 27, 2004  Size: 5kb
Zenith DVD Player DVB318
For: HTM MX-700 (Device)
By: Mike V.
Has discretes/learned/macro commands for: 2x Back/Fwd; 4x Back/Fwd; 16x Back/Fwd; 100x Back/Fwd; Factory Reset; LG Pluge Screen; EEPROM Edit Screen. Upconvert mapped to Guide, Last mapped to Prev Ch, and Skip +/- mapped to CH+/-. Tested on the LG which I have, but the Zenith is the same model and should work fine.
Updated: November 03, 2004  Size: 3kb
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