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For: HTM MX-1000
By: Jason Sampson
Jason Sampson's MX-1000 Setup
My system is setup for 6 Devices and makes use of discrete codes learned from a Pronto (sorry no translator...). This uses a combination of preprogrammed codes and learned commands. Some original buttons included, but relies heavily on Daniel's buttons.
Updated: April 24, 2001  Size: 101kb

For: HTM MX-1000
By: Jim Giles
Jim Giles' Big Button MX-1000
My system consists of 5 basic devices. The most-used buttons are large, placed for easy access with the right thumb, and are uniquely shaped so that they can be identified without the need for reading glasses. I didn't try to duplicate all the buttons of each device remote, but selected only those that my family uses. All equipment is turned on/off together by a single pair of buttons located on Page 1 of each device. Includes .BMP files.
Updated: May 06, 2001  Size: 107kb

For: HTM MX-1000
By: John Corkery
John Corkery's .MX File
This is an update to my previous workspace. It includes two new devices, a couple of new buttons, and a few other minor changes. As before, icons are included for Receiver, TiVo, DVD, TV, HD STB, VCR; and favorite channel icons for NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, WB, PBS and CSN (Comcast Sports Net). Unfortunately, the icons and buttons are relatively small (but certainly useable) due to the MX-1000's memory constraints. Discrete on/off buttons are contained in a device "hidden" on the Main page; the tiny square icon is on the very left side of the page midway down.
Updated: March 07, 2002  Size: 90kb

For: HTM MX-1000
By: John Sumner
John Sumner's .MX Configuration
From the "less is more" philosophy... I tried not to clutter the remote with pages full of seldom used functions (except for DVD, page 2). The hard Power button is a macro in each device that turns all power off, so no matter what the state, it works.
Updated: May 04, 2001  Size: 88kb

For: HTM MX-1000
By: Matt Steindl
Matt Steindl's .MX Setup
I started by stripping everything out of the default model that I could, and tried to use a small number of buttons to conserve resource space. That way I could have room to upgrade when the Designer software gets a little better.
Updated: May 31, 2001  Size: 91kb

For: HTM MX-1000
By: Quinn Dunki
Quinn Dunki's Complete Setup
Here's my complete setup. Everything here is controlled flawlessly by my MX-1000 (including the Bose).
Updated: June 04, 2002  Size: 87kb

For: HTM MX-1000
By: Rudy Rousseau
Rudy Rousseau's MX-1000 File
My MX file aims for simple and easy use of 6 components. I used John Corkery's buttons extensively. I did not use a Main1 page. The file includes only learned codes and macros (no preprogramed codes.)It also includes the discreet input codes and power off/on codes for the Mits WS55857 I found on this forum.
Updated: August 22, 2001  Size: 96kb

For: HTM MX-1000
By: Tom Saul
Tom Saul's MX File
A complete system MX file.
Updated: March 07, 2002  Size: 91kb
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