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Your search found 2 files by John Corkery.
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For: HTM MX-1000
By: John Corkery
John Corkery's .MX File
This is an update to my previous workspace. It includes two new devices, a couple of new buttons, and a few other minor changes. As before, icons are included for Receiver, TiVo, DVD, TV, HD STB, VCR; and favorite channel icons for NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, WB, PBS and CSN (Comcast Sports Net). Unfortunately, the icons and buttons are relatively small (but certainly useable) due to the MX-1000's memory constraints. Discrete on/off buttons are contained in a device "hidden" on the Main page; the tiny square icon is on the very left side of the page midway down.
Updated: March 07, 2002  Size: 90kb
Button Collections - John Corkery's Original Buttons
These are the graphics I created for my workspace, in .BTN and .BMP format. The ZIP file contains both BMP and BTN formats. Note that MX Designer 2.25 has a bug that will reverse light and dark gray pixels on all imported .BTN files unless you open and save them in MXD's internal button editor. Previews below are shown and two-thirds original size.
For: HTM MX-1000
By: John Corkery
Updated: May 31, 2001  Size: 58kb
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