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What's new for Monday December 20, 1999...
(Return to the December 1999 news index...)
Pronto files: Something I've been working on for quite some time is finally finished. The Pronto file area continues to grow nearly daily, while the management of it was getting more and more difficult. Well, today I'm proud to release the new file area. Components are sorted much more logically than before, resulting in easier maintenance for myself and quicker location of specific models for you, the user. Another new feature is counting of files -- did you know there are over 100 complete system files and over 800 component configurations already available? To check it out click here!

In addition, quite a few new system CCF files are available from Alan Minchew, Andrea Whitlock, DJ Garcia, Julio Cohen, Namir Gharaibeh, Scott Miller & Steven Janofsky.

This news report was updated on May 19, 2006.