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What's new for Friday December 10, 1999...
(Return to the December 1999 news index...)
Friday: I recently learned that the Home Theater Master MX-1000 has been pushed back again to January 2000. I hope to catch a glimpse of it next month at CES 2000 (which promises to be quite interesting). I'll post everything I can get on it -- plus tons of news on everything else out there -- after the show.

A new review of Disney's The Little Mermaid is now up. I've been reviewing WAY too many animated films these last few weeks. Time for some live action!

I thought this might be of interest to some of the regulars on Remote Central -- the top 12 forum threads of all time. The numbers in brackets indicate the approximate number of times they've been viewed.

Sony RM-AV2000 #189 (6800)
Sony RM-AV2000 #195 (5700)
Philips Pronto #917 (4000)
Remote Controls #45 (3800)
Remote Controls #353 (3500)
Remote Controls #118 (3300)
Philips Pronto #2940 (1800)
Sony RM-AV2000 #492 (1800)
Remote Controls #3 (1500)
Remote Controls #20 (1500)
Philips Pronto #982 (1450)
Philips Pronto #2429 (1400)

I'm still trying to get my hands on January's issue of Stereophile's Guide to Home Theater -- I suppose I'll just have to wait patiently. I've also been informed that a new One For All Home Producer 8 will be shipped to me, so I'll review it as soon as possible. Have a great weekend eveyone!

This news report was updated on May 19, 2006.