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What's new for Monday August 23, 1999...
(Return to the August 1999 news index...)
CCF updates: Several new or updated CCF file are available since last week, namely from Andy Storch, Dale Morrison, Gurmail Dhaliwal, Mark Perrin and Steve Casey. In total, there are now 54 complete system CCF files, plus numerous ones for individual devices. Wow! Keep 'em all coming!

I'm sorry for my minimal presence here or in the forums for the past week, but I've had lots of other things to take care of. I hope this week to post a few new DVD reviews. I'm also actively searching out lesser-known remote controls, and have a line on a few new ones. Also, in the back of my mind I'm working on a completely new Pronto design -- but don't expect anything for a little while. :-)

DVD contest: Remember - this is your last week to enter the contest to win a Toshiba DVD player, sponsored by! Everyone needs a DVD player or two, so don't delay - enter today!

On to the last item for today. I'm looking for ideas on additional chat forums. I'll take any and all suggestions into consideration - just email me. Have a great week!

This news report was updated on May 19, 2006.