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What's new for Tuesday June 15, 1999...
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RC5000 Q&A: The best way to cover most of the common questions and statements I've seen or have been asked in regards to the Marantz RC5000 in comparison to the Pronto is to address them here. If you have any others, please be sure to let me know:

"I was told by my dealer that the RC5000 is better than the Pronto because it is faster and has more memory."
False. The Pronto and RC5000 share the same hardware, exactly. The only differences are the case color and brand name silkscreened on the outside. In addition, the software feature set is the same.

"I've heard that the RC5000 has a brighter/different color backlight."
False. Same answer as above. The Pronto & RC5000 share the exact same LCD screen and aqua-colored backlighting.

"The RC5000 has newer firmware than the Pronto."
True. The RC5000 is shipping with newer firmware that fixes most of the bugs that Pronto users have discovered, including the famous "scroll bug". However, both the Pronto & RC5000 are flash upgradable, so you'll be able to update to the latest code when it is released. I have been told that new firmware for the Pronto should be available by the end of July.

"If the RC5000 has newer firmware, can't I just update my Pronto with the RC5000's PC software?"
No. The current version of RC5000 Setup has the "Update" function disabled. Since all RC5000 remotes already sport the latest firmware, Marantz decided it best not to include that tool at all. This does present a potential problem, since if your CCF or firmware becomes corrupt (which has happened a few times in the past) there would be no way for a RC5000 user to correct the problem except by "converting" his remote to a Pronto with ProntoEdit.

"RC5000 Setup is different/better than ProntoEdit."
False. While it may be true in the sense that it is slightly newer than ProntoEdit, no new functionality has been added. In terms of features, it is the same as ProntoEdit -- in fact, if you look at the actual file names on your hard disk you'll find "ProntoEdit.exe" and "ProntoEmulator.exe".

"The RC5000 is a better value than the Pronto."
Maybe! Although the base cost of the RC5000 is higher, it includes some valuable additions over the Pronto. It already ships with the recharging station and NiMH battery pack. It also features a 3-year warranty over the Pronto's included 1-year. The only drawback is that the gold coloring of the RC5000 is painted on, revealing white plastic if you scratch the case, while the Pronto's quasi-blue color is solid throughout.

This news report was updated on May 19, 2006.