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What's new for Tuesday May 1, 2001...
(Return to the May 2001 news index...)
Our April contest is over...
Our April 2001 contest is now complete and the twelve winners have been chosen. Check out the correct answer to our puzzle on this page, which is also where you'll find out who exactly won the DigMedia MusicStore MS-100 MP3 jukebox, Panasonic Gigarange KX-TG2570S phone, Crisp Solutions 616, 525 and 515 remotes, Home Theater Master MX-500 and SL-9000 remotes, Sony RM-VL900 remote and SB-V40 A/V switcher, Fobis Technologies Weemote kids remote or Terk FM-2000 antennas.

...But here's May's!
This month, partnered with AVSMARTS.COM, we've got a great assortment of home theater goodies and remote controls totalling over $2,000 in value!

Click to win one of twelve prizes!

Right now we've got 9 great prizes up for grabs, starting with the DVDO iScan line doubler. Next on the roster is a package consisting of a Sony RM-AV2100 remote control and Tara Labs interconnect bundle. How about a Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox C portable MP3 player with 6 gigabyte hard drive? Then there's the popular Crisp Solutions UC-616 and UC-515 touchscreen remote controls... or maybe the Home Theater Master MX-500 is what you have your eye on. For those with kids, we're offering the new Fobis Technologies Weemote 2. Last but not least, we've got an IR543 X-10 transceiver for IR-based home automation.

Sound good? Well then, what are you waiting for! Enter our May contest today!

This news report was updated on May 18, 2006.