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What's new for Tuesday August 29, 2000...
(Return to the August 2000 news index...)
DNS: Some of you trying to visit Remote Central on Sunday probably received an error message rather than the site -- it appears we had a little snafu with the DNS servers. Even though the site was up, some users may not have been able to access it. All is working now, but I'll be making some changes to ensure the problem doesn't happen again. I apologize for any inconvenience.

TheaterTouch: This is something I've been meaning to do for quite a while now. The file area for the RTI TheaterTouch T2 remote control is now open. Although small right now, I'm sure it will grow quickly. Files for the TheaterTouch are a little different than those for the Pronto: there are three types. First are .CML libraries. These contain libraries of IR codes for all different types of devices, categorized into brand, type and model. If you've got .CML libraries for other remote controls, rest assured that they're fully compatible with TheaterTouch Designer and we'd love to put them online for everyone to share. Secondly are .BML and .CBL files, which contain libraries of small button icons and full-screen interfaces, respectively. Finally are .RTI files, which are actual configurations for the T2. This is where the finished remote control is stored, complete with IR commands, bitmaps, macros and more. .RTI files are most comparable to Pronto CCF files. So, browse the new file area and let me know what you think -- and if you've got something you'd like to share, please upload it!
[Talk about the RTI TheaterTouch T2...]

As a result of the new file area, a few minor changes have been made to the site layout. These changes will allow us to add new file areas for future remote controls, such as the Denon Aktis, Home Theater Master MX-1000, plus others. As usual, if you see something that's broken or just doesn't seem right, please contact us.

This news report was updated on May 19, 2006.