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What's new for Tuesday July 18, 2000...
(Return to the July 2000 news index...)
DVDs: Just a brief update for today that two new DVD reviews are available, for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. These earlier Trek titles actually hold up quite well in the new millennium, with new anamorphic video transfers and excellent 5.1 audio mixes.
[Talk about DVD movies...]

DSS: One item of news I learned last week: if you're holding out on the hopes that discrete codes will be found for the Sony A50 or B50 satellite receivers, you're out of luck. Apparently they were accidentally left out of the design. Though I also heard that this was to be corrected on the A55 and B55, what early reports I've seen on the B55 indicate they are missing there as well.

Friday: Just a small note that you'll want to be reading this page on Friday, when we'll be announcing some new information on everyone's favorite remote control. Though I can't say more today, you'll certainly want to be here then.

This news report was updated on May 19, 2006.