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What's new for Friday May 19, 2000...
(Return to the May 2000 news index...)
Pronto FAQ: Something I've been working on for a few days is finally finished. The Unofficial Pronto FAQ is now up to version 1.07. It's been completely re-organized with more sections, better catagorization, more detailed answers and, what's more, a whole pile of new entries. Check it out and let me know what you think.
[Talk about the RC5000 & Pronto...]

TheaterTouch Designer v1.11: I've been informed by the folks at RTI that TheaterTouch Designer has been updated to version 1.11. New features include:

  • Macros are now executed in "Preview Mode", so Button Hold, Time Delay, Page Link, and Touchsreen Pause steps will behave properly when previewed.
  • Updated version of IR Library included.
  • Several minor bug fixes.
If you've been eyeing the TheaterTouch T2, you'll really want to download a copy of the Designer software to see exactly what it can do. Link to a copy of it here.
[Talk about the TheaterTouch T2...]

Sony RM-VL900: I'm finishing up a review of the new Sony RM-VL900 remote control and should have it ready for next week. The RM-VL900 is a new learning remote control that borrows many of the features from the RM-AV2100 and puts it all in a smaller, more economical package. The all-hard-button design provides learning on all keys, 11 macros, ergonomic design and has an MSRP of only $59 US. Although not as advanced as the RM-AV2100, the RM-VL900 seems to be one of the best learning remotes under $100.
[Talk about the RM-VL900...]

This news report was updated on May 19, 2006.