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What's new for Thursday April 27, 2000...
(Return to the April 2000 news index...)
ProntoEdit: I've just received an email that confirms that a new version of ProntoEdit will be most likely out today or tomorrow on the Philips SmartConnect web site. Version 1.05 will correct the now infamous reboot problem with a firmware upgrade. It turns out they switched to another screen/backlight which ended up creating more "noise", which was causing the CPU to give error messages and consequently reboot. This explains why some remotes had a larger problem than others, and why turning off the backlight reduced it. The drivers wern't able to reject the noise, so new screen drivers were written that can filter it.

It appears no new features will be added, though certain long-standing bugs such as the Windows NT ProntoEdit Emulator crash, the unclickable "negative value" buttons and the left/right key propagation problem should be fixed. However, I am informed that there is the possibility the new software will have a conflict with mfc42.dll, located in the Windows system directory. If that was not fixed a workaround will be posted in the file, so check there first. Those of you previously having problems registering on the Philips SmartConnect site should find the problem resolved, though I will also make the new version available from Remote Central as an alternate download site. Latest news indicates that Marantz is not far behind with a similar update for the RC5000.
[Talk about the RC5000 & Pronto...]

DVD: In between sorting out my recent email problems, I managed to watch Stuart Little widescreen edition from Columbia Tristar. A family adventure with state-of-the-art computer animation and cameos galore. What more could you ask for? Incidentally, if you sent me an email between last Friday and Wednesday morning and were expecting a reply, please send it again. Although most were held in queue while the server was rebuilt, some may have been lost.
[Talk about DVD movies...]

This news report was updated on May 19, 2006.