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What's new for Monday February 14, 2000...
(Return to the February 2000 news index...)
Monday: As you may have noticed, Remote Central has just received a facelift. After nearly two years with a solid white background, I hope this new design is a little easier on the eyes. Please let me know if you find any broken links, missing images or something that just doesn't appear to be working correctly. I'll look after it right away.

New remotes: This week I hope to find out exactly what the release schedules are on the various new remotes coming out (as mentioned in the last news update). I'll be posting information as I receive it, however I do expect several of them to be released this coming March and April.

CCFs: Speaking of CCFs, several new Pronto system files are available for this week. Look for configurations by DJ Garcia, Engin Hamarat, Fermin Sanchez, Harlon Reihing, Jose Blanco, Kevin Erney, Patrick Gamet. An amazing milestone has been reached -- there are now well over 1,000 device configurations available for the Pronto! Along with over 130 system CCF files, Remote Central is the largest Pronto resource anywhere. If you think you have something that other users could benefit from, please take the time to upload it for the entire community!

This news report was updated on May 19, 2006.