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What's new for Monday January 17, 2000...
(Return to the January 2000 news index...)
CES Report: I'd like to apologize for the delay in posting new updates. But with attending CES for a week, plane delays and hassles and getting a touch of the flu, I just haven't been up to it. Still, today I've put the first part of my CES report online. I've broken it down into specific brand reports -- to begin with I've completed reports on Philips (with news of a new Pronto), General Electric, Zenith and Pioneer. Not all of this is remote control related, however it all has something to do with home theater.

Over the next short while look for more additions, including photos and news on the UEI Mosaic, HTM MX-1000 and other new remotes! I ended up with a total of 48 lbs of paper materials... needless to say there's a lot of data to sift through!

I've also finally caught up on posting Pronto System CCF files. There's a number of new configurations by Beau Bannerman, Berkhard Germer, Gareth Evans, Greg Harrelson, Guy Kuo, Mike Bunting, Pat Hall, Raymond Wisco, Scott Miller, Thomas Bailey, plus an anonymous posting. Also available is a new version of IR Tool by Glenn Clapp.

This news report was updated on May 19, 2006.